Our Storage Units

Q: Do I need heated storage?

The vast majority of items in a house do not require year round heated storage. We have insulated our cement foundations with Reflective Foil, which acts as a moisture barrier limiting the moisture coming up from the ground. Thus our units are quite dry.

Appliances, couches, beds, chairs, lamps and clothes can all stored in our units without problems. Watch out for items that contain water, so make sure to drain your washing machines which is usually fairly fast and easy to do.

Q: What size storage unit do I need?

Here is a list and description of storage unit sizes available.

For help determining the size you require call us now at 819-685-1919 and we’ll help you determine the size that best suits your needs.

Q: Environnement

We all know that the environment needs some help. At Aylmer Storage, we use the most up to date construction methods for Self Storage Facilities.

To keep our costs down we have opted to insulate the cement slab on which our buildings rest with Reflective Foil. This technology acts as a vapour barrier and provides a superior radiant and moisture barrier. You can see in the picture below the insulation on which the cement is poured.

Q: Do you have packing tips?

You will find packing tips to your right (or below on mobile devices)

Q: Address Changes

Here is a list of supplies that need a corrected address. It also has links to various institutions to help with your move


  • Cable
  • Hydro Quebec
  • Gas
  • Internet
  • Telephone and Cell Phones

Insurance Companies

  • Auto
  • Health
  • Home
  • Life

Professional Services

  • Broker
  • Accountant
  • Consultants
  • Dentist
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer

Government Offices

  • Post Office
  • Library
  • Revenue Canada
  • Gov of Quebec

Business Accounts

  • Banks Cell Phone Providers
  • Department store cards Drug store
  • Dry cleaner Finance companies
  • Health & fitness club


  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Miscellaneous
  • E-Magazines

Q: Moving Schedule

To help prepare your move we have created a suggested schedule to plan your move at the bottom of this page!

Packing Tips

#1: Inventory and labeling boxes

  • Prepare an inventory record of box numbers and contents for future referrals.
  • List contents on each box.
  • Assign a number to each box.
  • Indicate the room each box will be placed in at final destination with 1-2 characters, e.g:
    MB = Master Bedroom
    K = Kitchen

#2: Packing Tape

  • Packing tape generally seals tightly and provides long term durability.
  • It performs well in a wide range of temperatures.
  • Available at Aylmer Storage

#3: Mattress Bags

  • Keep your mattresses clean and dry
  •  Protect your upholstered furniture from dirt, dust, rain and scratches during your move.
  • Obtain your Mattress and Couch Bags at Mini Entrepots Gatineau Est.
  • Cover pillows and cushions with large plastic garbage bags to keep them clean during your move.
  • When disassembling furniture, keep nuts and bolts together in small sandwich bags taped to the item.

#4: DVDs, Books & Documents

  • Document boxes should be used for important documents.
  • Items should be packed into boxes horizontally and the empty space stuffed with paper to avoid movement.
  • Mini Entrepots Gatineau Est has Document boxes and 1.5 cu. ft. boxes that are ideal for transporting CDs, DVDs, documents and books.

#5: Clothing

  • Use hanging wardrobe boxes to store clothes, prevents creasing.
  • Wardrobe boxes are available in 4′ tall versions.

#6: Electronics

  • Electronics are perfectly safe in storage with proper packing and handling.
  • Your original packaging material and boxes are best suited.
  • If you do not have the original box and packing, use a box large enough to cover the unit with room for packing material to protect your equipment from vibration and movement during transport.
  • The packing material should snugly fill the box preventing the unit from moving around.
  • Remove batteries from battery-operated: appliances, toys and remote controls to avoid damage from leaking acid.
  • Allow your electronics equipment time to warm up before plugging them in, particularly in cold conditions.
  • Six to eight hours should suffice to warm the equipment fully.

#7: Furniture

  • Table and chair legs should be protected with pallet wrap to prevent scratching.
  • Assembled tables should be placed upside down with the legs pointing upward.
  • Chairs can be stacked on top of each other with the seats touching, separated with plastic or paper.
  • Cover all furniture with moving bags or dust sheets.
  • Sofas and love seats can be stored on end to save floor space.
  • Cushions should be wrapped in plastic and placed on top.
  • If you stand mattresses on end ensure it is supported to prevent bending.

#8: Fragile Items

  • Carefully wrap and protect each item with clean newsprint and place in a box.
  • Fill the box with paper, above, below and around each item so there is no empty space in the box.
  • Use original packaging if available.

#9: Washers

  • Drain the water to prevent freezing and damage.
  • Motors should be checked and secured to protect all moving parts.
  • Mark hoses “hot" or “cold" if not already indicated.
  • Fasten the power supply cord.
  • Check your manual for drainage instructions.

#10: Refrigerator & Freezer

  • Empty, defrost, clean and dry all pans, trays, drawers, shelves.
  • Empty the drainage pan.
  • Moving parts and drawers should be removed and wrapped individually.
  • Fasten the power supply cord.
  • While in storage ensure the doors cannot close to prevent odors.

Summary and general packing tips

  • Boxes should be filled to capacity to avoid tipping and collapsing.
  • Newspaper ink smears. Clean Newspaper is better and available at our office.
  • Fill your boxes, including the gaps.
  • Label all boxes clearly with felt marker.
  • Do not pack fragile and heavy items in the same box.
  • Tape the top and bottom of every box with packing tape, don’t fold the flaps over each other.
  • Place heavy items in small boxes, marked ‘heavy’.
  • Use Large boxes, like 4 ft. cu. for light-bulky items.
  • Think of your back on moving day.
  • Boxes should not be more than 35 lbs/16 Kg, think of your back.
  • Use protective covers and treat wood surfaces before storing.

You may not store live animals, foodstuff, corrosives, flammable liquids, explosives of any kind, bottled gas, petrol or other hazardous and or illegal substances at Mini Entrepôts Gatineau Est.

While every effort is made to keep the information provided on this web site as accurate as possible, we disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its: accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose. By accessing this information you assume full responsibility for the use of the information and understand and agree that Mini Entrepôts Gatineau Est is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage arising from the use of the above information.

Preparing your move!

The month before

Two to Four Weeks Before You Move

  • Purchase packing supplies. All boxes and packing supplies are available at Entreposage Aylmer.
  • Start packing boxes.
  • Sell or donate unwanted items.
  • Complete a change-of-address with the post office online
  • Make arrangements to transfer: automobile and drivers licences, medical, dental, school, pet records and eye prescriptions.
  • Settle all local bills.
  • Arrange for shipment of pets.
  • Begin to use up overstocks of staple foods.
  • Reserve your moving truck.

Two weeks before you move

  • Finalize arrangements with Aylmer Storage.
    Notify utilities, telephone and cable TV companies of both your old and new addresses.
  • Set dates for disconnection and hookup of services.
  • Pick up loaned items, return borrowed items.
  • Pick up clothes at the dry-cleaners and tailor.
  • Close and transfer bank accounts and safety deposit boxes.
  • Check on items at repair shops.
  • Arrange a baby-sitter for moving day.
  • If necessary, reserve apartment elevator for moving dates.

The week before you move

  • Arrange for inspection and servicing of cars.
  • Drain gas from lawn mowers, and other equipment.
  • Dispose all flammables, such as paint, gasoline and hazardous goods at Gatineau’s “Recycling Center", located at 860 Boulevard de la Carriere and is open from 9 AM till 3 PM every Saturday from May until October.
    Finish packing, except those items needed for moving day.
  • Empty and defrost refrigerator and freezer.
  • Cancel newspaper delivery.
  • Make arrangements to pay for your move.
  • Defrost and dry refrigerators and freezers.
  • Set aside valuable items to carry with you including jewelry, vital documents, money and valuable small items.
The last 24 hours

One Day Before You Move

  • Pack a personal suitcase containing items you need for moving day, as well as those items you’ll need first thing in your new home. Don’t forget toiletries & important medicines and a roll of toilet paper.
  • Clean range.
  • Drain water from both your clothes and dishwasher.

Moving Day

  • Be on hand to answer questions and give directions to movers and stay until they are finished.
  • Accompany driver for inventory of your household goods.
  • Complete information on bill of lading and carefully read all documents before you sign it.
  • Make sure you have your copies of the bill of lading and inventory.
  • Keep the bill of lading until your possessions are delivered, the charges are paid, and any claims are settled.
  • Before the van leaves take a final look through the home to make certain nothing has been left behind. Check in the corners and behind the doors as well.
  • Give the driver directions to our storage facility.
  • Here is a map from Google to our facility.
  • Notify the driver and the van line where you can be reached during the move.

Delivery Day

  • Be on hand to answer any questions and give direction.
  • You must pay the driver before your goods can be unloaded.
  • Supervise unloading and unpacking.
  • Check carefully for any damaged or missing items.